Dylan Moore Celebration Days

September 19-21, 2025

Come join us on September 19-21, 2025 for a fun-filled weekend and help a local family going through a medical crisis. 

This is a Family Oriented, Kid-Friendly Event. 

Trail Ride, Horseshow, Gun Raffle, Auction, Kids Games, Food & More!

  • On-Your-Own Camping Friday Night.
  • Dutch Oven Chuckwagon Cooking
  • Other Events/Activities:
    • Chuckwagon, Cowboy Church, Little Britches Rodeo
    • Kids Games, Trivia Contest, Birthday Cake
    • Balloons, Entertainment, Candlelight Service
  • Vendor Fest is cancelled this year
  • Dedication Wall in honor of Dylan
  • Don't miss our fundraisers:

Event Schedule


8:00 am-10:00 am: Trail Ride Registration
10:00 am: Trail Ride Begins
12:00 pm-1:00 pm: Lunch Stop on Trail
4:00 pm-6:00 pm: Supper/Entertainment
6:00 pm-8:00 pm: Live Auction
dark-8:30 pm: Candlelight Service


8:00 am: Horse Show Registration
9:30 am: Cowboy Church
10:00 am: Horse Show, Cornhole Tournament Registration
11:00 am: Cornhole Tournament
Noon Intermission: Dylan Trivia Contest, Balloon Release, Birthday Cake

Chinese Auction Drawings will be held after horseshow on Sunday

Trail Ride

The trail ride, which will be held Saturday at 10am, will have room for a limited number of riders and pre-registration is highly recommended. 

If the capacity is limited, organizers will take the first ones who pre-registered until the cut-off is reached.

Gun Raffle

One Ticket $5 (or 5 for $20)

Henry Golden Boy Rifle


The Auction is always a highlight of the Dylan Moore Days Celebration. Donors are very generous. We also will have a chinese auction on Sunday. Come out to Dylan Days and bid on items of your choice.

Cornhole Tournament

Blind draw, $20 per person, 50% payout. The tournament will be held Sunday, September 22 at 11am. Registration from 10 to 10:45 am.

Pony Penning Raffle

Have you ever dreamed of attending Chincoteague’s famous Pony Penning?  Here’s your chance! Tickets are only $5 each or 5 for $20

Other Celebration Events and Activities


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Wishbone’s Chuckwagon from Stoney Creek Cowboy Church in Nashville always comes to help celebrate Dylan Days.  Stop by and see what he has.  Sometimes it’s homemade biscuits and he always has hot, bubbling fruit cobbler.   So delicious!

Cowboy Church

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Join us on Sunday morning at the horse arena at 9:30am for Cowboy Church.  There is always a good message to take away from the sermon.

Kid’s Games

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Bring the little ones over to Miss Dorothy’s Game Site at no charge on Saturday and Sunday. All kinds of rip-roaring fun. Shouts of laughter ring through the air as the day goes on.

Trivia Contest

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Join in the fun on Sunday during intermission. Guess the correct answers and win a ribbon.

List Britches Rodeo

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Your kids get to participate in a rodeo on Sunday even if they don’t have a horse. They love doing the stick pony races and winning a ribbon to take home. Divided into 2 classes (under 5 years old and 5-10 years old).

Birthday Cake

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Come by the cake table and pick up a delicious slice of birthday cake during intermission on Sunday.

Balloon Release

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On Sunday during intermission, grab a balloon, write a message and tie it on.  Watch as hundreds of them float up towards the heavens.


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Sit back and listen to some good music to enjoy with your dinner on Saturday.

Candlelight Celebration

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Immediately following the auction on Saturday evening, light a candle with us as we commemorate ALL THOSE WE HAVE LOST.

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